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Delivering on the Government’s promise to provide world-class education, training and care

A child looking at a bunch of pencils - bought with school funding

Despite the unprecedented challenges the global Covid pandemic has created this year, the Department for Education has been delivering on the Government’s promise to provide world-class education, training and care for everyone, whatever their background.

Survey on teacher preparedness for new Relationships and Sex Education

teenagers working on computers, looking pleased with what they are doing

Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at a survey carried out by Bett, The British Educational Training and Technology show, on teacher preparedness for the new Relationships and Sex Education curriculum.

Online harms

A stock image of newspapers representing what has been in the news today

Today’s Education in the Media blog will cover the Education Secretary’s speech at the NSPCC conference calling on technology companies to take responsibility to ensure children are treated as children online, Minister Gibb’s op-ed on closing the gap in performance …

How we are educating the next generation about the battle on climate change

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: A Level, Apprenticeships, Curriculum, GCSE, Ofqual
a blurred image of children playing in a playground wearing their school uniforms

The curriculum also includes the knowledge pupils need to help address climate change in the future. For example, in design and technology pupils are taught to consider the impact of the products they design on individuals, society and the environment. Schools have the autonomy to go into as much depth on these subjects as they see fit.