Education in the media: 6 July 2016
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the Key Stage 2 results we released yesterday.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the Key Stage 2 results we released yesterday.
Today’s education news review looks at an NUT survey about primary assessment and Ministerial commentary about Portsmouth Pride over the weekend.
Today’s news review looks at Sir Michael Wilshaw’s latest commentary on the most able pupils, the publication of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report on training new teachers, and the Isle of Wight Council’s appeal against the recent term time …
Today's news review looks at commentary on rates of white working class boys attending university and an open letter calling for children to be taught how to engage with politics.
Today’s news review looks at calls for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to be taught in schools and term time holiday campaigner, Jon Platt’s new website offering his services to help parents recoup school fines.