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Letter to the education workforce from Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson

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Letter to education workforce

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has written a letter to the education workforces to make clear the valuable role they will play in the government’s agenda for change. To all working in early years, children’s services, schools, further and higher education, …

How we’re improving support for children and young people with special education needs

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All pupils should have access to the resources and support needed to fulfil their potential. Last year, we unveiled an ambitious plan, which set out our aims to change the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision system …

What are short breaks for disabled children and how are we improving the service

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Every child deserves the same opportunity to meet their potential. For those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) this means making sure they have the opportunity to develop skills, make friends and gain independence. Short breaks away from family …

What are reasonable adjustments and how do they help disabled pupils at school?

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Reasonable adjustments

All pupils should be helped to fulfil their potential. Reasonable adjustments can help level the playing field by minimising the disadvantages that pupils with disabilities might face compared with their peers. Here’s everything you everything you need to know about …

How supported internships help young people with learning disabilities gain work experience

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Supported internships

All children and young people should be able to reach their full potential and receive the right support as they progress into adult life. That’s where supported internships come in, helping young people who have special needs or disabilities (SEND) …

How we are improving support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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We want all children and young people to have the same opportunity to meet their potential – including children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Our ambitious new plan will create consistent, high standards of support …

Message to parents of children with SEND from Claire Coutinho MP, Minister for Children, Wellbeing and Families

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SEND review Coutinho

Parents know that their children only get one shot at education. However for some parents of children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND), getting their child that superb education that every child deserves can feel like a full-time job. …

Message to the education and care sector on SEND reform from the Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan

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I passionately believe no matter where you are from or what stage of life you are at, you should always be able to get a high-quality education and receive the right support in the right place and at the right …