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Secondary schools

Children in primary schools do not need to wear face coverings but most pupils in secondary schools do

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When schools and colleges open to all pupils on 8 March it will be necessary for most secondary school age pupils to wear face coverings but not primary age pupils. Our guidance is clear that children in primary school do …

Summer activities, tutoring and extra funding for schools – How we’re helping students catch-up

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This week, we announced increased funding and extra help for pupils to combat lost learning as a result of Covid-19. This will reach children and young people across the country and will empower early years settings, schools and colleges to …

Chief Medical Officer: “If you keep children out of school, every single one of the children you keep out of school is disadvantaged”

The country’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has said that it is “absolutely universally accepted that there are huge advantages for children to be in school”.

An open letter from Education Secretary Gavin Williamson to parents, carers and guardians

Gavin Williamson, Education Secretary

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has written an open letter to parents, carers and guardians following the news that all primary schools, secondary secondary schools, special and alternative provision schools, colleges and further education settings will be opening to all pupils …

What should remote education look like?

          What should remote education look like? How can your child learn remotely if you don’t have a laptop? We answer your remote learning questions Earlier this week we announced all primary schools, secondary schools, colleges …

Delayed return to school and contingency framework: Your questions answered

On 30 January, the Government responded to rapidly rising case rates due to the new, more transmissible variant of coronavirus by triggering the education contingency framework and pushing back the staggered return for secondary schools and colleges by one week. …

“Exams are the best and fairest way for young people to show what they know and can do” – The Education Secretary on the importance of exams

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In today’s edition of the Sunday Times, the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, responded to the paper’s previous calls for exams to be cancelled, reiterating the value they have as the “best and fairest way for young people to show what …

How we’re supporting schools in the run up to Christmas and 2021 exams

This week the Prime Minister reiterated the importance of children being in school and restated his commitment to ensuring learning continues in classrooms across the country.

What the new national restrictions mean for education settings

Student wearing face mask

On Saturday the Prime Minister announced that, from today, the country will enter a new period of national restrictions until at least 2 December. Unlike the last national lockdown in the spring, this time schools, nurseries and other education settings …

Survey shows 97 per cent of schools plan to welcome pupils back

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A child looking at a bunch of pencils - bought with school funding

A survey of more than 4,000 headteachers shows that 97 per cent of schools plan to welcome pupils back for the autumn term. The research, carried out by the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), also illustrates the work that …