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Secondary schools

How children and young people are kept safe in schools and colleges – and how we’re making them even safer

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Schools and colleges play an essential role in building a safer society by educating young people about key issues like sexual violence and harassment but at the same time they must be safe places where young people are protected as …

The Period Product Scheme: providing young people with period products when they need them

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Now pupils are back in the classroom no-one should be held back from accessing education due to their period. In January 2020, we launched the Period Products Scheme to provide learners with period products when they need them. But how …

Testing for secondary school and college students, their families, and staff - here’s what you need to know

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Thanks to the efforts everyone has made over the last few months, Covid rates have started to go down and we have offered vaccines to the people who need them the most.

Children in primary schools do not need to wear face coverings but most pupils in secondary schools do

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When schools and colleges open to all pupils on 8 March it will be necessary for most secondary school age pupils to wear face coverings but not primary age pupils. Our guidance is clear that children in primary school do …

Summer activities, tutoring and extra funding for schools – How we’re helping students catch-up

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This week, we announced increased funding and extra help for pupils to combat lost learning as a result of Covid-19. This will reach children and young people across the country and will empower early years settings, schools and colleges to …

Chief Medical Officer: “If you keep children out of school, every single one of the children you keep out of school is disadvantaged”

The country’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has said that it is “absolutely universally accepted that there are huge advantages for children to be in school”.

An open letter from Education Secretary Gavin Williamson to parents, carers and guardians

Gavin Williamson, Education Secretary

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has written an open letter to parents, carers and guardians following the news that all primary schools, secondary secondary schools, special and alternative provision schools, colleges and further education settings will be opening to all pupils …