School safety
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at misleading claims departmental guidance for schools has been updated more than it has and incorrect suggestions that a celebrity fitness expert is due to lead a review of the PE curriculum. Guidance …
Today's blog provides further details on the scientific evidence underpinning our plans for the wider opening of schools.
Today's blog outlines the new social distancing guidance for education and childcare settings.
Today’s blog looks at a consultation that will change the role of Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools.
The apprenticeship levy means more money is available than ever before for training, giving employers of all sizes - including the NHS - the freedom to invest in the skills they need.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the coverage of the first State of the Nation on report on Children and Young People’s Wellbeing.
Salaries for new teachers are also set to rise to £30,000 by 2022-23 and, this year, teachers and heads can receive a pay rise of 2.75% - above current rates of inflation. We have also launched the Early Career Framework to ensure newly qualified teachers are provided with early career support and development, including mentoring.
All new school buildings must be signed-off by an inspector to certify that they meet the requirements of building regulations and where sprinklers are considered necessary, they must be installed.
Today’s data shows why our new register of children not in school is so important. Illegal schools are unregulated and present a danger to both the quality of education and the welfare of those children who attend them – a register will vastly improve councils’ capacity to identify those children and intervene.
Today’s Education in the Media blog focuses on the plan for lifesaving skills to be taught in schools as well as the launch of the latest Get Into Teaching campaign. We also address the story on universities’ debts and music …