Education in the media: 17 June 2016

Today’s education news review includes coverage on term time holidays, the pupil premium and an Islamic independent school in Birmingham.
Today’s education news review includes coverage on term time holidays, the pupil premium and an Islamic independent school in Birmingham.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of Ofsted Chief, Sir Michael Wilshaw, and National Schools Commissioner, Sir David Carter's comments on Multi Academy Trusts and a survey by Oxford University Press about reading in schools.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of our school offer statistics and a Public Accounts Committee report on our free childcare offer. School offer statistics Yesterday, Tuesday 14 June, we... 2016/17. Almost 20,000 more secondary pupils got their first choice place in 2016/17 than in 2010/11. 20,000 more primary pupils got their first choice place than for 2014/15 –...
...the recognition and disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 2006. A Department for Education spokesperson said: Academies are state-funded schools which are free to attend and run by charitable trusts...
...comments to social mobility, suggesting middle class parents are increasingly ‘hothousing’ their children with activities, like taking them to the theatre or visiting museums, to keep them ahead of the...
Today’s news review looks at calls for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to be taught in schools and term time holiday campaigner, Jon Platt’s new website offering his services to help...
Today’s news review looks at a Sutton Trust report about young people’s aspirations and proposals by Barnsley Council to change school term times. The Sutton Trust report The education charity...
...three ‘new burden’ grants (£45m in 2014-15, £32m in 2015-16 and £35.8m in 2016-17) to pay for the additional costs of implementing the reforms. We are also funding a contract...
Today’s education news review looks at the Daily Telegraph’s commentary on social mobility and the European Court of Justice’s guidance ruling on headscarves and religious symbols in the workplace. Social...
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