Education in the media: 7 June 2016
...and resources for teachers and schools. To help schools raise awareness of FGM we worked with the PSHE Association to publish guidance for teachers and schools on how to teach...
...and resources for teachers and schools. To help schools raise awareness of FGM we worked with the PSHE Association to publish guidance for teachers and schools on how to teach...
Today’s news review looks at stories from the weekend and today including pieces on concerns about a group of independent schools, celebrity Melanie Sykes finding a school place for her autistic son and sexual harassment in schools.
Today’s news review looks at a Sutton Trust report about young people’s aspirations and proposals by Barnsley Council to change school term times. The Sutton Trust report The education charity... The Key, an information service for school leaders, suggests children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are being let down by the system and that funding for SEND...
Today’s education news review looks at the Daily Telegraph’s commentary on social mobility and the European Court of Justice’s guidance ruling on headscarves and religious symbols in the workplace. Social...