Schools in England now have more teachers than ever before, but we know there’s even more we can do to make sure we’re recruiting the best and brightest educators for our young people. Alongside other initiatives, encouraging former teachers to …
Schools in England now have more teachers than ever before, with more than 468,000 in the profession. That’s 27,000 more than there were in 2010 and up by 2,800 since last year. The latest stats from the Department for Education …
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at new plans for an enrichment checklist, widening participation in higher education, the latest statistics on apprenticeships and a new project to recruit skilled professionals into teaching.
Today’s education in the media looks at a report from the Sutton Trust and an interview with a new teacher. Sutton Trust A report released today by the Sutton Trust looks at early years policy in the UK, and specifically …
...covered positively on the front page of today’s Times, as well as the Guardian and the BBC Online and the Today Programme. Speaking to the BBC, Russell Hobby, general secretary...