Education in the Media: Monday 14 January 2019

Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at universities, relationships and sex education, the teaching workforce and schools’ budgets.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at universities, relationships and sex education, the teaching workforce and schools’ budgets.
Today’s Education in the Media blog focuses on the plan for lifesaving skills to be taught in schools as well as the launch of the latest Get Into Teaching campaign. We also address the story on universities’ debts and music …
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at teacher recruitment and school funding.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at new plans for an enrichment checklist, widening participation in higher education, the latest statistics on apprenticeships and a new project to recruit skilled professionals into teaching.
Today our Education in the Media blog looks at teacher workload, universities and apprenticeships.
Today our Education in the Media blog focuses on the Secretary of State’s visit to Norwich, our position on mobile phones, and the funding going into rural schools.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on the issue of ‘essay mills’ and tomorrow’s head teachers’ march on Downing Street about school funding.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at the investment the department is making to increase school places, and updated guidance for teachers as well as a speech to the Universities UK conference made by Universities Minister, Minister Gyimah.
Today’s Education in the Media blog focuses on the EPI report on the teacher labour market in England, and also looks at how Brexit could positively impact apprenticeships.
Today’s Education in the media blog responds to Save the Children’s analysis of early years teaching staff and the NEU’s survey about exam stress.