Education in the media: 19 July 2016
Today’s news review looks at coverage of an IPPR report that explores teacher training.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of an IPPR report that explores teacher training.
Today’s news review looks at the coverage of our annual school workforce figures.
...peers. In a similar vein, the TES leads on Sir Michael’s comments that testing gives poorer pupils a ‘passport to a better life’. Schools Week focuses on his views that...
...on training new teachers, which is critical of the government’s work on teacher recruitment. There is limited coverage in the Sun, the Times and the ‘i’ today. The BBC reports...
...for teachers on meeting particular needs and are continuing to do so. The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) is also supporting teachers to recognise and respond to a...
Today's news review welcomes the announcement that, for the first time, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will form part of the core learning for teachers, when they undertake their...