Education in the media: 23 June 2016

...being made in this country and the heroes who have played such an important part in this. With recent events in Orlando highlighting globally how far there still is...
...being made in this country and the heroes who have played such an important part in this. With recent events in Orlando highlighting globally how far there still is...
There have been a number of misleading stories in the media recently about how schools address issues relating to gender identity and gender reassignment, and the Government’s role in this area.
Today’s education news review looks at an NUT survey about primary assessment and Ministerial commentary about Portsmouth Pride over the weekend.
...Sunday Times reports that Surrey County Council has hired a barrister in a term time holiday court case involving a mother who refused to pay a £60 fine. The piece...
...weekend Ben will be joining over 15,000 same-sex couples who have come together to make a lasting commitment to share their lives together when he marries his partner, Francis. A...
Today’s news review includes Education Secretary Nicky Morgan’s attendance at the vigil held for the victims of the shooting in Orlando.
...the recognition and disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 2006. A Department for Education spokesperson said: Academies are state-funded schools which are free to attend and run by charitable trusts...
Today’s news review includes stories about A level take-up across the country, evidence heard by the Women and Equalities Select Committee on incidents of alleged sexual harassment in schools and an Ofsted letter on East Midlands school performance.
Today’s news review looks at stories from the weekend and today including pieces on concerns about a group of independent schools, celebrity Melanie Sykes finding a school place for her autistic son and sexual harassment in schools.
Today’s education news review looks at the Daily Telegraph’s commentary on social mobility and the European Court of Justice’s guidance ruling on headscarves and religious symbols in the workplace. Social...