Schools should be safe places where children can focus on learning and staff can focus on delivering a great education. In light of recent events, such as the tragic death of a boy after a stabbing at a Sheffield school, …
By the age of 12, 97% of children own a mobile phone, but the use of mobile phones in school can lead to distractions, disruption and can increase the risk of online bullying. We also know that technology can bring …
It is vital that students are able to concentrate fully on their education free from the distraction and disturbance of bad behaviour. That’s why the Department has invested £10m in a set of measures that will help school leaders improve …
The behaviour hubs programme will be backed by £10 million funding and will include an application process to recruit the first cohort of exemplary lead schools to provide support to other schools.
We have empowered them to make that judgment. We have empowered them to make sure that they protect the interests of all the children in that school. That’s what I will always and consistently do.
Continuing to improve behaviour in our schools is a key priority for this Government. Calm and safe school environments benefit all students, allowing them to concentrate fully on their studies. Just one instance of bad behaviour in a classroom can derail an entire lesson, holding back every other pupil in the room.
In response to calls for SATs to be discontinued, the Education Secretary Damian Hinds wrote an op-ed for the Sunday Telegraph on 21 April, setting out the importance of primary school assessments to ensure that children are developing and progressing in education.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the Policy Exchange report on classroom behaviour and the NEU report on child poverty. In addition to this there is positive news about apprentices, and a response from the Education Secretary to …
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