Education in the media: 11 November 2016
Today’s news review looks at a report on head teacher recruitment that doesn’t tally with the figures and a report into apprenticeships.
Today’s news review looks at a report on head teacher recruitment that doesn’t tally with the figures and a report into apprenticeships.
...on future earnings and employment. We have recently gone even further to encourage employers to hire young apprentices by committing to pay training providers £1,000 each when they take...
Today, Friday 4 November, Dyson announced that it will be launching an Institute of Technology in partnership with Warwick University that will offer engineering degree apprenticeships to twenty five students a year. The succesful applications will work for Dyson in …
Today's news review looks at the annoucnement of a new Institute of Technology from Dyson and a highly speculative report into school funding.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the apprenticeship funding announcement.
Skills and Apprenticeships Minister Robert Halfon has set out how apprenticeship reforms and the apprenticeship levy will deliver a quality and sustainable apprenticeships system for people of all backgrounds and all ages.
...September, The Daily Mail and the Telegraph reported that British primary classes are currently the fifth largest in the world, with 26 pupils in an average class. By comparison, China,...
...– all council-run secondary schools must teach citizenship and all schools are held to account for how well they promote the modern British values of tolerance and respect for other...
Today’s new review looks at coverage of apprenticeship funding and student loans.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of essay writing services, graduate earnings, apprenticeship standards and disadvantaged children reaching university.