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Teacher strikes: Everything you need to know about the teacher pay offer

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Schools, Teacher pay, Teacher workload, Trade Unions
Teacher pay offer

Teachers in England have been offered a pay rise after the Government set out an offer on pay, conditions and workload to the education unions. The offer follows more than a week of intensive talks between the Government and the …

How supported internships help young people with learning disabilities gain work experience

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: SEND, Skills
Supported internships

All children and young people should be able to reach their full potential and receive the right support as they progress into adult life. That’s where supported internships come in, helping young people who have special needs or disabilities (SEND) …

How we’re helping people get into a career in construction

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Apprenticeships, Skills, T Levels
Careers in construction

We’re working with industry leaders and other government departments to help more people access high-quality training and careers in construction. From T Levels to apprenticeships to Skills Bootcamps, there are many routes into a job in construction for people of …

Teacher strikes: An open letter to parents from Education Secretary Gillian Keegan

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Teacher pay, Teacher recruitment, Trade Unions

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has written an open letter to parents setting out the latest on teacher strikes. Dear parents and carers, I’m writing to update you ahead of the strike action planned by the National Education Union on Wednesday …