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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Ofsted Framework

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female pupil with pink hair sits next to teacher who appears to be explaining a piece of work

Today our blog focuses on the launch of the Ofsted inspection framework.

Today, Tuesday 14 May, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) has launched a new inspection framework, which will take effect from September.

The framework sets out how Ofsted will inspect early years, schools and post-16 providers in England.

The new framework will focus more on the breadth of pupils' and learners’ education with attainment seen in the context of a holistic judgement on the quality of education provided. There will be a strong focus on reducing workload, with inspectors assessing how leaders manage workload for their staff; and an increased focus on off-rolling.

The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Times, I News and the Financial Times all reported on the new framework today.

The Secretary of State for Education, Damian Hinds, said:

Ofsted’s role in the education system is of vital importance - and the introduction of this new framework is a major step in supporting our shared drive to raise standards across the school system so that every child have access to a world class education.

As we have improved the curriculum and reformed GCSEs and A levels, we have worked closely with Ofsted to make sure all children and young people benefit from an ambitious, broad and rounded curriculum. This framework reflects that approach and I am particularly pleased to see this alongside the enhanced focus on personal development. Together, a rounded curriculum and personal development will help prepare young people for adult life.

For teachers, this framework will bolster our crucial efforts to drive down unnecessary workload by making sure teachers’ workload will be considered as part of a school’s inspection, and stop any use of internal data solely for Ofsted inspectors. I want to work together with the sector and Ofsted as this new framework is implemented, especially over the first transitional year, to make sure it is a positive change in our schools system.

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