Education in the media: Wednesday 31 January 2018

Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the Public Accounts Committee report about the teaching workforce and the Prime Minister’s visit to China.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the Public Accounts Committee report about the teaching workforce and the Prime Minister’s visit to China.
Today’s Education in the Media looks at recent reports on creative arts subjects and school funding. Creative arts subjects Today, Tuesday 30 January, the BBC published the results of their survey of creative arts provision in secondary schools in England. …
Today’s education in the media blog looks at Ofsted’s report on Rotherham Council children’s services, research published by the National Children’s Bureau, and the funding of multi academy trusts.
Today’s Education in the Media looks at the success of free schools in the latest publication of schools league tables and apprenticeship statistics.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on performance statistics for pupils undertaking GCSE and A levels and university entrance statistics.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at an interview that Minister Anne Milton provided to the Times about degree apprenticeships and Minister Nick Gibb’s visit with the Duchess of Cambridge to launch a new mental health websites for …
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at Ofsted inspections for apprenticeship training providers.
Today’s education in the media blog discusses a report from Action for Children on children’s centres, university costs for students and an Opportunity Area in Derby.
Today’s Education in the media looks at today’s announcement on education standards by the new Education Secretary, Damian Hinds.
Today’s Education in the media looks at 30 hours free childcare, pupil number overestimations and Minister Gyimah’s tour of universities