Education in the media: Tuesday 31 October 2017

Today’s Education in the media blog looks at flexible working in schools.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at flexible working in schools.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on freedom of speech at universities. Freedom of speech Today The Times, The Daily Mail and The Express have all written up pieces on claims first made in The Sunday Telegraph that students fear …
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at new stats that show positive progress in cutting the gender pay gap – and what the Government is doing to drive it down further.
...themselves in their course and the engineering placements they take up. The arguments for boosting the UK’s engineering talent are manifold. The engineering sector contributes 26 per cent of the...
Today's education in the media blog looks at a report from the Sutton Trust about university admissions.
Today’s Education in the Media blog clarifies the rules around sprinklers in schools.
Today's Education in the Media blog looks at misleading claims being made about school funding.
Today’s Education in the Media looks at provisions for SEND pupils, and National Professional Qualifications LGO report On Monday, 23 October, the Local Government Ombudsman released a report looking into the transfer of statements for pupils with special educational needs …
Today’s Education in the Media blog focuses on access to university, a TUC report into childcare, and multi-academy trusts. University Access There has been widespread coverage today, Friday, 20 October, on access for black and ethnic minority (BAME) students to …
Education Secretary Justine Greening has written a comment piece for the Sun today, as part of the announcement of the first three T levels that will be taught from 2020.