Education in the Media: Thursday 9 August 2018

Today’s Education in the media blog responds to Save the Children’s analysis of early years teaching staff and the NEU’s survey about exam stress.
Today’s Education in the media blog responds to Save the Children’s analysis of early years teaching staff and the NEU’s survey about exam stress.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at the Secretary of State’s interview with the Guardian this weekend on teacher workload, and what the government is doing to help fostering parents and foster children.
Today’s Education in the media looks at Thank A Teacher Day and our gratitude to teachers, the Family Drug and Alcohol Unit and work to help children in care in East Anglia.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on the support the department is providing to people who adopt children with attachment issues, as well as the requirements on teachers to understand the needs of all types of children.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at announcements the Secretary of State made today on making school accountability clearer and giving teachers the chance to take sabbaticals. Teaching announcements Today, the Education Secretary made a number of announcements on …
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at what is being done to reduce teachers’ stress levels, as well as the latest data on the 30 hours free childcare offer.
This morning, Thursday, 16 February, the Secretary of State for Education Justine Greening spoke at the Chartered College of Teaching national conference, sharing her vision for the teaching profession.
Today’s news review looks at analysis of Initial Teacher Training statistics.
Today’s news review looks at the coverage of our annual school workforce figures.