All pupils should be helped to fulfil their potential. Reasonable adjustments can help level the playing field by minimising the disadvantages that pupils with disabilities might face compared with their peers. Here’s everything you everything you need to know about …
Every child should be given the chance to realise their potential at school, regardless of their background. We are committed to supporting all disadvantaged pupils in England and have put in place support, such as the pupil premium, for schools …
This article was first published on 30 November 2021. We want to make sure that young people understand what healthy relationships look like and how to navigate their personal lives in a positive, safe and healthy way. That’s why we …
On 1 March, families of Year 6 pupils found out which secondary school offered them a place for September 2023. But what happens if your child wasn’t offered a place at their top choice school? Here we talk you through …
Learning modern foreign languages like French, German and Spanish is not only useful for when visiting abroad but can also boost your job prospects, as language skills are often highly valued by employers. That’s why thousands of pupils will benefit …
We want all children and young people to have the same opportunity to meet their potential – including children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Our ambitious new plan will create consistent, high standards of support …
School uniforms can create a sense of identity and community for a school and its pupils, reduce peer pressure for the latest clothes and help children feel settled and prepared for lessons, but they can be costly for parents. No …
One year ago Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and since then the British people have given refuge to over 150,000 Ukrainians through our ground-breaking visa schemes, including thousands of children. Last year, the UK provided £2.3billion in military aid to Ukraine …
Today’s education in the media blog focuses on the deadline for applying for secondary school places. Deadline for secondary school places The deadline for parents who need to apply for a secondary school place for their child is fast approaching. …