Education in the Media: Friday 14 December 2018

Today our blog looks further at the Key Stage 2 statistics released yesterday, as well as a story about a grammar school actively working to improve access for disadvantaged pupils.
Today our blog looks further at the Key Stage 2 statistics released yesterday, as well as a story about a grammar school actively working to improve access for disadvantaged pupils.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the latest UCAS admissions data, the narrowing disadvantage gap in primary schools and an update on the Taking Teaching Further programme.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on school funding, special needs support, rising standards in primary schools and celebrating the social work training programme.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at the Key Stage 2 SATs results, the Public Accounts Committee report on academy conversion and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children’s report on early years services. KS2 SATs On Tuesday, 10 …
Today’s Education in the media blog discusses key stage 2 SATs and access to post-16 education for working-class students.
Today’s news review looks at primary assessment and the national funding formula.
Today’s news review looks at Key Stage 2 marking guidance.
Today’s news review looks at the student loan system, the publication of the Key Stage 2 results and the Boarding School Partnership.