Education in the media: 27 June 2016 do more to nurture leadership talent, and for strong councils to do more to help others improve. The Daily Star briefly followed up this story in today’s paper. The... do more to nurture leadership talent, and for strong councils to do more to help others improve. The Daily Star briefly followed up this story in today’s paper. The...
...being made in this country and the heroes who have played such an important part in this. With recent events in Orlando highlighting globally how far there still is...
Today’s education news review includes coverage on term time holidays, the pupil premium and an Islamic independent school in Birmingham.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of Ofsted Chief, Sir Michael Wilshaw, and National Schools Commissioner, Sir David Carter's comments on Multi Academy Trusts and a survey by Oxford University Press about reading in schools.
...the recognition and disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 2006. A Department for Education spokesperson said: Academies are state-funded schools which are free to attend and run by charitable trusts...