Education in the media: 29 August 2017
Today’s news review looks at our career returners announcement and the recent coverage around private schools and exam cheating.
Today’s news review looks at our career returners announcement and the recent coverage around private schools and exam cheating.
Today’s news review looks at criticism from six teaching unions on the National Funding Formula (NFF) and new analysis from research company High Fliers on the graduate recruitment market.
Today's news review looks at a report into social mobility.
Today, Friday 4 November, Dyson announced that it will be launching an Institute of Technology in partnership with Warwick University that will offer engineering degree apprenticeships to twenty five students a year. The succesful applications will work for Dyson in …
Today's news review looks at the annoucnement of a new Institute of Technology from Dyson and a highly speculative report into school funding.
Today we published an updated at-a-glance scorecard that shows the public how well their local council is doing in getting young people into education, employment or training
Today’s news review looks at the advice given to pupils on their A level subject choices, careers support, our GCSE reforms and the size of a primary school class in Hull
...the report fairly, and did not reflect the work the Government is doing to improve careers advice across the country. In fact, schools and colleges have a legal duty to...
...As FSB’s research shows, small businesses have a central role in boosting apprenticeships. Many more small employers could be reaping the benefits of apprenticeships, transforming life chances and providing a...
Following the publication of Lord Sainsbury's report into technical education and the Government's response with the Post-16 Skills Plan, on Friday 8 July, a number of organisations have come foward with supportive comments on the next steps in technical education …