...or outstanding schools than in 2010. Converter academies continue to perform above the average for state-funded schools, while sponsored academies are typically schools that were previously poorly performing, but...
...of English and maths. This summer thousands more of those aged 17 and over successfully resat their maths and English GCSEs, with more than 50,000 achieving a good pass in... happen in an academy. Anyone with evidence to show this is the case should submit it to the department. Teacher recruitment Today, 26 July, former shadow Education Secretary, Lucy...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the appointment process for the new Ofsted Chief, figures on Multi Academy Trust performance, term time holiday penalty notices, a report on women on boards, and the Children and Social Work Bill.
Following the EU referendum result, there has been some media speculation on how this could negatively impact schools and pupils.
Today’s news review looks at head teachers’ concerns about EU pupils in their schools and a story about Ofsted statistics that misses a crucial fact.
...they felt about discussing their private lives in public. The Today Programme reported on the survey and BBC, the Metro, Gay Times, Pink News and the Gay UK covered the...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of Ofsted Chief, Sir Michael Wilshaw, and National Schools Commissioner, Sir David Carter's comments on Multi Academy Trusts and a survey by Oxford University Press about reading in schools.
...and questioned whether they are becoming a ‘cash cow’ for businesses. The piece looked at examples of how not-for-profit academies were involved in related party transactions and insinuated a range...
Today’s news review looks at stories from the weekend and today including pieces on concerns about a group of independent schools, celebrity Melanie Sykes finding a school place for her autistic son and sexual harassment in schools.