Education in the media: Wednesday 20 June 2018

Today’s blog looks at the 30 free hours of childcare and mobile phone use in schools.
Today’s blog looks at the 30 free hours of childcare and mobile phone use in schools.
Today’s education in the media blog looks at gaming and how we are addressing internet safety as well as looking at a care review and an open letter signed by Minister Milton and big businesses about the apprenticeship levy.
Today, Thursday 24 May, following a report from the National Audit Office about Ofsted, there has been media coverage regarding the frequency of Ofsted inspections for good or outstanding schools.
Today’s blog looks at the number of children’s social workers and children’s mental wellbeing.
Today’s Education in the Media blog celebrates the first National Numeracy Day as well as looking at Ebacc and the creative subjects.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at our response to the Schools that Work for Everyone consultation including the announcement of the next wave of free schools.
Today the blog will look at the launch of two schemes to boost children’s early language and communication skills.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at children’s mental health support in schools and home education.
Today’s blog looks at how the Department has been helping schools and teachers ahead of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into effect and apprenticeships at the Hilton Hotel Group.
Today’s blog looks at national primary school offer day.
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