Everything you need to know about becoming a foster parent
Around three quarters of looked after children live in foster care. Foster parents provide a stable family environment when a child cannot live with their birth parents.
Around three quarters of looked after children live in foster care. Foster parents provide a stable family environment when a child cannot live with their birth parents.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at the Secretary of State’s interview with the Guardian this weekend on teacher workload, and what the government is doing to help fostering parents and foster children.
In today’s blog we look at the extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme so that it includes foster carers.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of calls for a foster carers’ union and a report on funding within Multi Academy Trusts.
...in sporting activities from an early age. This is working – as our latest research shows that primary schools are on average now delivering almost two hours of PE to...