Hundreds of thousands of eligible working parents can now access 15 hours government-funded early education for children aged 9-months-old and older after new rules kicked in from 1 September 2024. Those who are eligible to take advantage of the scheme …
England has some of the highest quality childcare provision in the world, with 96% of early years settings rated by Ofsted as good or outstanding. But we recognise that childcare is also one of the biggest costs facing working families …
Thousands of parents are entitled to government-funded childcare to support them to return to work after parental leave. Depending on how old your child is, you may be able to access between 15 and 30 hours government funded childcare a …
We’re expanding free government-funded childcare so that thousands more parents won’t have to choose between a career and a family. Currently, parents who work and earn the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Minimum Wage, and earn …
Hundreds of thousands more working parents will be supported through an extension of the government funded childcare on offer, more than doubling the current support in place. This will help mums in particular to stay in work and keep the …
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at ways the government is reducing the cost of childcare, and on the funding being provided to rural schools. Childcare Today the Daily Mirror has run a piece on the cost of childcare. …
Today’s Education in the media looks at 30 hours free childcare, pupil number overestimations and Minister Gyimah’s tour of universities
Today’s education blog looks at our highlights from 2017.
...investing a record £6 billion per year by 2020 in childcare support and introducing a fairer Early Years funding formula which will see the vast majority of providers receive increased... help them use their funding in cost effective ways, including improving the way they buy goods and services. IFS Report: On the need for the formula: As the IFS...