Education in the media: Friday 22 December 2017

Today’s education blog looks at our highlights from 2017.
Today’s education blog looks at our highlights from 2017.
Today’s news review looks at the launch of the Social Mobility Action Plan and Minister Johnson on vice chancellor pay.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the Social Mobility Commission’s report out today, and texts used in Islamic schools.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the government’s efforts to improve social mobility and widen access to our world class universities. Social Mobility Today, November 21, The Times published a piece on the disparity in the number of pupils …
Today's Education in the media blog focuses on the Race Disparity Audit and Opportunity Areas. Exclusions and the Race Disparity Audit Today, Tuesday 10 October, the Prime Minister announced a drive to challenge society to explain or change disparities in …
Today’s news review summarises a letter in The Times from Schools Minister Nick Gibb about the English Baccalaureate, the take-up of arts subjects and social mobility. The Ebacc and social...
Today’s news review looks at the commentary following the recent LGBT announcement.
Today’s news review looks a report by the Commission on Inequality in Education report, UCAS Admission Statistics, and research reports looking at the impact of early education on young children.
Today’s news review looks at a new report from the Social Mobility Commission and details of the Department for Education’s gender pay gap. Social Mobility Commission (SMC) report Today, Wednesday...
Today's news review looks at the Social Mobility Index, a ranking of the UK's top 50 employers for social mobility.