Education in the Media: Tuesday 12 February 2019

Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at A Levels and the latest report from the Office for Students.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at A Levels and the latest report from the Office for Students.
Today’s Education in the Media looks at requirements the Office for Students is putting in place to ensure vice-chancellor pay is justified, the benefits of the academies system and the strength of our new gold-standard GCSEs. Vice-chancellor pay Today, Tuesday …
Today's Education in the media blog looks at the steps that are being taken to tackle excessive vice-chancellor salaries.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks a report by the University and College Union about university vice-chancellors and remuneration bodies and the Secretary of State's tour of the Midlands and North East.
Today’s news review looks at the launch of the Social Mobility Action Plan and Minister Johnson on vice chancellor pay.
Today’s news review looks at what we are doing to make sure students get value for money from universities.
Today’s media blog looks at the further scrutiny of senior academics pay.