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SATs English reading test: Were the year 6 tests more difficult in 2023 than previous years?

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Every year 6 pupil takes key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests, known as SATs, to measure school performance and to make sure individual pupils have the support that they need when they move into secondary school. This year, the …

Why is school attendance so important and what are the risks of missing a day?

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School attendance

Being around teachers and friends in a school or college environment is the best way for pupils to learn and reach their potential. Time in school also keeps children safe and provides access to extra-curricular opportunities and pastoral care.   That’s …

What are reasonable adjustments and how do they help disabled pupils at school?

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Reasonable adjustments

All pupils should be helped to fulfil their potential. Reasonable adjustments can help level the playing field by minimising the disadvantages that pupils with disabilities might face compared with their peers. Here’s everything you everything you need to know about …

New Year and King’s Birthday Honours: How to nominate someone who is making a difference

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Every year, people who have made a significant contribution to public life through vital and extraordinary work are recognised with an honour awarded by the King. Most of the awards are given to those who have been nominated by a …

What is pupil premium funding for schools and how will it benefit my child?

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Every child should be given the chance to realise their potential at school, regardless of their background. We are committed to supporting all disadvantaged pupils in England and have put in place support, such as the pupil premium, for schools …