Education in the media: 25 October 2016

Today’s news review looks at misleading coverage about the school census.
Today’s news review looks at misleading coverage about the school census.
Today’s news review looks at comments made by Sir Michael Wilshaw on grammar schools.
Today’s news review looks at research estimating how many new classrooms need to be built before 2020.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of average primary school classes compared with other countries, and warnings from the construction sector of a jobs shortage. Class sizes On Saturday, 17...
Today’s news review takes a look at coverage of grammar schools, academy finances, school uniform and school places.
Today’s news review looks at the advice given to pupils on their A level subject choices, careers support, our GCSE reforms and the size of a primary school class in Hull
Today’s news review looks at coverage about our Key Stage 2 plans and pupil projection figures.
Today’s news review looks at the coverage of data published on schools, pupils and their characteristics for 2016.
...last July which places a legal duty on public sector organisations, to have 'due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.' The paper’s editorial points...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of our school offer statistics and a Public Accounts Committee report on our free childcare offer. School offer statistics Yesterday, Tuesday 14 June, we...