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Mental Health

Education in the Media: Monday 17 September 2018

teenagers working on computers, looking pleased with what they are doing

Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the Education Secretary’s European tour, the new Student Minds Mental Health Charter, and Ian Bauckham’s interview about the reformed Relationship and Sex Education curriculum. We also address coverage about student loan interest …

Minister Gyimah: Universities must ensure their mental health services are fit for purpose

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Mental Health, Ministerial commentary, Universities

The Universities Minister Sam Gyimah has written to university Vice Chancellors in England, marking the start of Fresher’s Week by calling on them to make the mental health of their students a priority.

Education in the Media: Monday 13 August 2018

Today’s Education in the media blog responds to stories in the press regarding our reforms to A level and GCSEs and Ofsted’s inspection framework. We also cover how we are promoting mental health in universities, and helping to tackle the …

Education in the Media: Tuesday 19 June 2018

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Academies, Exams and qualifications, Mental Health, Vice chancellor pay

Today’s Education in the Media looks at requirements the Office for Students is putting in place to ensure vice-chancellor pay is justified, the benefits of the academies system and the strength of our new gold-standard GCSEs. Vice-chancellor pay Today, Tuesday …