Education in the media: 8 December 2016

...are independent, autonomous bodies. They are responsible for their own admissions decisions and we would expect them to take account of the full range of information available, not just predicted...
...are independent, autonomous bodies. They are responsible for their own admissions decisions and we would expect them to take account of the full range of information available, not just predicted...
Today's news review looks at a report into social mobility.
Today’s news review looks at a report on post-19 education, support for school libraries, the cost of childcare for children below school age and the royal charters for the UK's research councils
Robert Halfon, Skills and Apprenticeships Minister, wrote the following comment piece for the New Statesman. My vision has always been simple: that each and every person no matter what their age or background gets a chance at a decent job …
Today, Friday 4 November, Dyson announced that it will be launching an Institute of Technology in partnership with Warwick University that will offer engineering degree apprenticeships to twenty five students a year. The succesful applications will work for Dyson in …
Today's news review looks at the annoucnement of a new Institute of Technology from Dyson and a highly speculative report into school funding.
Today’s news review looks at figures published in Parliament that reveal the difference a grammar school education can make to disadvantaged children and the More Than a Score coalition.
Today, the Guardian published an article by Peter Scott titled ‘The UK is becoming the nasty country, and our universities will suffer’ that contained a number of criticisms of the government’s Higher Education and Research Bill. Please see details setting …
Today's news review looks at a survey from the Sixth Form Colleges Association, the release of the latest UCAS application statistics and the data from the Office for National Statistics on the gender pay gap.
Today’s news review looks at the report commissioned by the Government into tackling and preventing harassment on university campuses and the release of school absence statistics.