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Higher Education

Funding our schools and building an apprenticeship system for the future

a classroom of children engaging in a lesson

We have been clear that there is more money going into our schools than ever before, and since 2017, we have given every local authority more money for every 5 to 16 year old in every school and made funding fairer across the country.

Tackling discrimination in higher education

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three university students walking in a lobby area

Today our blog focuses on the speech by Minister Skidmore on anti-Semitism, and an article about LGBT education in schools by Minister Gibb. Anti-Semitism Today, Friday 17 May, the Universities Minister Chris Skidmore called for universities to adopt the International …

Working to improve social mobility across the country

some people sitting on steps. only their legs and feet are in shot.

We want to create opportunity for everyone. Employment has risen in every UK region under this government, wages are outstripping inflation, the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers has narrowed and the proportion of 16 and 17-year-olds in education or apprenticeships is at its highest ever.

Exams: An opportunity to learn and grow for pupils

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Damian Hinds, Exams and qualifications, GCSE, Higher Education, School tests, Universities
child filling in work pages

The Education Secretary recognises that the lead up to GCSEs and A-levels can be a stressful period for pupils, but also notes the importance for young people in being able to deal with the challenges they’ll face in life, including developing the resilience and coping mechanisms to deal with challenging experiences such as exams.

Making apprenticeships work for all employers

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Apprenticeships, Higher Education, Universities
teenagers working on computers, looking pleased with what they are doing

We want an apprenticeship system that works for all employers – big and small. Our reforms were designed and driven by businesses of all sizes to make sure apprentices learn the skills employers need. Apprenticeships are now longer, higher-quality, with more off-the-job training and provide for a proper assessment at the end.