Education in the Media: Friday 27 July 2018

Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on the announcement of a £2 million fund to provide free healthy meals and activities for disadvantaged families throughout the school holidays.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on the announcement of a £2 million fund to provide free healthy meals and activities for disadvantaged families throughout the school holidays.
Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on what the department has announced it will do to help schools save money on supply teacher costs, and looks at the number of children eligible for free school meals. Teacher vacancy website …
...immigration status. This is not the case. Free school meals are provided to all disadvantaged pupils who need them regardless of their nationality or immigration status. A Government spokesperson said:...
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at free school meal eligibility under Universal Credit and Googlebox star Josh Tapper’s apprenticeship at Number 10.
Today’s news review looks at our consultation on free school meals under Universal Credit.