Education in the media: 8 July 2016

...schools and children’s social care. We have also appointed a new Regional Schools Commissioner, Christine Quinn. And in January we announced an escalation of investigations into illegal schools. This week...
...schools and children’s social care. We have also appointed a new Regional Schools Commissioner, Christine Quinn. And in January we announced an escalation of investigations into illegal schools. This week...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the Key Stage 2 results we released yesterday.
Today’s education news review looks at an NUT survey about primary assessment and Ministerial commentary about Portsmouth Pride over the weekend.
...comments to social mobility, suggesting middle class parents are increasingly ‘hothousing’ their children with activities, like taking them to the theatre or visiting museums, to keep them ahead of the...
Today's news review looks at commentary on rates of white working class boys attending university and an open letter calling for children to be taught how to engage with politics.
Today’s news review looks at calls for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to be taught in schools and term time holiday campaigner, Jon Platt’s new website offering his services to help...