Education in the media: 8 July 2016
...want to teach it, ensuring that it is age-appropriate and has regard for the appropriate guidance. We trust teachers’ to decide how to discuss a range of important issues within...
...want to teach it, ensuring that it is age-appropriate and has regard for the appropriate guidance. We trust teachers’ to decide how to discuss a range of important issues within...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the Key Stage 2 results we released yesterday.
Today’s education news review looks at an NUT survey about primary assessment and Ministerial commentary about Portsmouth Pride over the weekend.
...on training new teachers, which is critical of the government’s work on teacher recruitment. There is limited coverage in the Sun, the Times and the ‘i’ today. The BBC reports...
Today's news review looks at commentary on rates of white working class boys attending university and an open letter calling for children to be taught how to engage with politics.
...clear that every extra day of school missed can affect a pupil’s chance of gaining good GCSEs, which has a lasting effect on their life chances. We are confident...