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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Education in the media: Friday 20 April

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Today’s blog looks at how the Department has been helping schools and teachers ahead of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into effect and apprenticeships at the Hilton Hotel Group.


In May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will come into effect, which, for schools, will mean that they will need to have more robust processes and controls in place regarding data protection.

To help schools prepare for this we have put together a series of blogs, posted on the Information Commissioner’s Office website and YouTube, arranged a series of speaking engagements and encouraged suppliers of systems to schools to be proactive in helping schools.

A Department for Education spokesperson said:

We are supporting schools to prepare for the introduction of General Data Protection Regulations in a number of ways including through a series of blogs on GOV.UK and a YouTube video posted on the Information Commissioner’s Office website, as well as speaking engagements and encouraging system suppliers to be pro-active in helping schools.

We are working with a number of schools and other sector representatives to develop further guidance and case studies to help schools prepare for the introduction of the upcoming legislation.


Today, Friday 20 April, the Sun published an article about the apprenticeship scheme at the Hilton Hotel Group. It has 1,000 apprenticeship vacancies across the UK and guest relationship manager Aaron Rowland, who joined the group via an apprenticeship scheme in 2007, talks positively about this experience. Hilton HR director Kay Harriman describes apprentices as a ‘huge asset’.

To find a fantastic apprenticeship opportunity to suit you please have a look here.

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