In response to recent media coverage, please find below some further information which sets out the rationale for collecting new data on nationality, country of birth and English language proficiency through the School Census, and corrects some misconceptions about who …
...schools. This is further evidence that there are not enough grammar schools to meet demand from families. Schools Minister Nick Gibb said: We want to build a country that works...
...legislation to progress our plans for an education system that works for everyone. This includes legislation for ‘underperforming’ or ‘unviable’ local authorities to be required to convert to academies. The...
Today's news review looks at a survey from the Sixth Form Colleges Association, the release of the latest UCAS application statistics and the data from the Office for National Statistics on the gender pay gap.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the apprenticeship funding announcement.
Today’s news review looks at misleading coverage about the school census.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of the number of teachers leaving the profession.
Today’s news review looks at the report commissioned by the Government into tackling and preventing harassment on university campuses and the release of school absence statistics.
...the profession. This will be accompanied by mandatory training for local authority test moderators to ensure it is applied in a consistent way. The proposal to introduce statutory maths and...
Today, 19 October 2016, Education Secretary Justine Greening announced new proposals to provide clarity for primary school teachers over the way their pupils are assessed. These proposals including a pledge not to introduce any new tests before 2018, will bring …