Today’s news review examines inaccurate claims about school funding reported by the Guardian. School funding The Guardian published a piece last night, 7 March, based on concerns about school funding from head teachers and parents. Through our proposed new National …
Today’s news review looks at both the coverage of a report on the building and repairing of schools, and into concerns about funding for London schools. National Audit Office report On Wednesday, 22 February, the National Audit Office (NAO) published …
Today’s news review looks at coverage of UCAS figures on university applications and misleading coverage of school funding in West Sussex.
Today’s news review looks at funding for academisation plans, and international teacher recruitment.
Today’s news review examines a report put out by the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) on school funding, and the government’s industrial strategy.
Today’s news review examines coverage of our fairer funding announcement, the Key Stage 2 results tables and a UCAS report.
Today, the Secretary of State gave an oral statement to Parliament setting out our fairer funding proposals for schools and high needs.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of a report from the National Audit Office on school funding.
Today's news review looks at the annoucnement of a new Institute of Technology from Dyson and a highly speculative report into school funding.