Today’s Education in the media blog responds to stories in the press regarding our reforms to A level and GCSEs and Ofsted’s inspection framework. We also cover how we are promoting mental health in universities, and helping to tackle the …
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at actions being taken to tackle childhood obesity, and how the government is helping families with childcare costs.
Today, Thursday 24 May, following a report from the National Audit Office about Ofsted, there has been media coverage regarding the frequency of Ofsted inspections for good or outstanding schools.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at Lord Agnew’s opinion piece for the Times about tackling bullying and intimidation in schools.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at Ofsted inspections for apprenticeship training providers.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at Ofsted’s annual report, and an Education Policy Institute report on global education rankings.
Today's Education in the media focuses on today's Skills Summit, as well as Ofsted figures which show that there are now 1.9 million more pupils in good or outstanding schools than in 2010.
Today’s news review looks at A level results day and Learndirect.
Today's news review looks at Learndirect's latest Ofsted inspection report.
...outstanding schools. Although standards are improving across the board, including in the Midlands and the North, HM Chief Inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw has commented on the importance of raising standards...