We want every child to have access to a great education on their doorstep. That is why we are creating 15 new free schools in the most disadvantaged areas of the country, creating 12,000 additional school places for young people. …
Today’s blog looks at the government’s plans to open up to 30 new free schools, the publication of international data on education policy and performance, plus work underway by the Office for Students (OfS) to improve university access.
Today’s Education in the Media blog focuses on the announcement of 39 new free schools, as well as off-rolling and maintained nurseries.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at unconditional offers, maintained nurseries, free schools and technical education.
Today’s blog looks at the steps we are taking to help parents with free childcare, the opening of 53 new Free Schools and the work going into supporting autistic children in education.
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at our response to the Schools that Work for Everyone consultation including the announcement of the next wave of free schools.
Today’s Education in the media looks at 30 hours free childcare, pupil number overestimations and Minister Gyimah’s tour of universities
Today’s news review looks at the latest figures for children with special educational needs. Today, Friday 28 July, The I reported on the annual Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)...
Today’s news review looks at reports about the number of free schools in temporary accommodation.
...covered positively on the front page of today’s Times, as well as the Guardian and the BBC Online and the Today Programme. Speaking to the BBC, Russell Hobby, general secretary...