Government response: free school meals debate
...debates on our proposals for future support for disadvantaged children in education under UC, including eligibility for free school meals and the Early Years Pupil Premium and our 15 hours...
...debates on our proposals for future support for disadvantaged children in education under UC, including eligibility for free school meals and the Early Years Pupil Premium and our 15 hours...
Today’s education in the media blog looks at Ofsted’s report on Rotherham Council children’s services, research published by the National Children’s Bureau, and the funding of multi academy trusts.
Today’s Education in the media looks at 30 hours free childcare, pupil number overestimations and Minister Gyimah’s tour of universities
In today’s blog we look at the extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme so that it includes foster carers.
Today’s blog looks at the Government’s offer of 30 hours’ free childcare for working families.
Today’s education in the media looks at a report from the Sutton Trust and an interview with a new teacher. Sutton Trust A report released today by the Sutton Trust looks at early years policy in the UK, and specifically …
Today's news review looks at the coverage around the LGA report on secondary school places and the roll out of 30 hours free childcare.
Today’s news review looks at a report on universal free childcare and the freedom that schools have to set their own term dates.
Today’s news review looks at class sizes and our announcement of new childcare grants.
...schools. This is further evidence that there are not enough grammar schools to meet demand from families. Schools Minister Nick Gibb said: We want to build a country that works...