Education in the media: 3 January 2017
Today’s news review looks at coverage of misleading claims about school funding and stories about the Higher Education and Research Bill.
Today’s news review looks at coverage of misleading claims about school funding and stories about the Higher Education and Research Bill.
Today’s news review looks at misleading coverage of a story on student fees and a story about alleged anti-Semitism in universities.
Today’s news review looks at a report from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on child protection services and a new initiative by Bristol University to lower its entry grades for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Today’s news review examines coverage of our fairer funding announcement, the Key Stage 2 results tables and a UCAS report. their teachers. UCU called for an overhaul of the system whereby students apply to university after they receive their results. It is important to note that higher education institutions...
Today’s news review looks at how British pupils compare to their international counterparts, and coverage of the Higher Education and Research Bill.
Today’s news review looks at a report on post-19 education, support for school libraries, the cost of childcare for children below school age and the royal charters for the UK's research councils
Today's news review looks at the annoucnement of a new Institute of Technology from Dyson and a highly speculative report into school funding.
Today’s news review looks at figures published in Parliament that reveal the difference a grammar school education can make to disadvantaged children and the More Than a Score coalition.
Today, the Guardian published an article by Peter Scott titled ‘The UK is becoming the nasty country, and our universities will suffer’ that contained a number of criticisms of the government’s Higher Education and Research Bill. Please see details setting …