Education in the media: 19 April 2017

...96.3 per cent of parents in England received an offer at one of their top three preferred primary schools. But we know there is more to do to ensure every...
...96.3 per cent of parents in England received an offer at one of their top three preferred primary schools. But we know there is more to do to ensure every...
Today’s news review examines coverage of a report on funding, and a piece on why we need more grammar schools. Local Government Association report On Thursday, 16 March, the Local Government Association claimed that councils could fail to meet their …
...who do not necessarily benefit from the pupil premium but whose families may be only just about managing. It also increases the total funding directed specifically to deprived pupils to...
Today’s news review examines figures published by the Higher Education Statistics Authority on the proportion of students getting top degrees. Degree grades On Thursday, 12 January, the Higher Education Statistics...
Today’s news review looks at reports about the number of free schools in temporary accommodation.
Today’s news review looks at media coverage of the Independent Schools Council’s planned response to the Schools That Work for Everyone consultation, the launch of a gender pay gap tool and a Sutton Trust report.
...are independent, autonomous bodies. They are responsible for their own admissions decisions and we would expect them to take account of the full range of information available, not just predicted...