Provision for high needs

As part of our funding announcement at the end of August, we announced an increase of £780million for the high needs budget.
As part of our funding announcement at the end of August, we announced an increase of £780million for the high needs budget.
The visit also provided the Education Secretary the opportunity to meet with representatives from Scottish universities and discuss their shared ambition for the UK to retain their place as world-leading educators.
We have established a new national programme, backed by up to £2m funding, to help local areas protect young people from being taken advantage of by criminals or ‘county lines’ gangs.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the new drive to help children in care into independent schools, a new advisory group to support headteachers, and the report by the Children’s Commissioner for England on child vulnerability.
Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Today, Thursday 9 May, the department has launched a new service to tackle child sexual exploitation as well as other criminal threats to children such as gangs, modern slavery and trafficking. This was covered by TES …
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the home learning environment summit, special education needs and disability (SEND) funding and children in care.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the value of homework, as well as the Care Leaver Covenant.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at the launch of the Care Leaver Covenant.
Today’s blog looks at the latest Barnardo’s report, what we are doing to tackle teacher misconduct, and university ‘Freshers’ Week.’
Today’s Education in the media blog looks at GCSE reforms and children in care.