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When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

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results day 2024

In August, pupils in England will find out their results for GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQ (vocational technical qualifications) exams. 

Ahead of results day, schools, colleges and assessment centres should contact pupils directly to tell them how and when to collect them. They’ll also be able to answer any questions you have ahead of the day. 

Here’s what you need to know about exam results this year.

When is GCSE and Level 1/2 VTQ results day 2024? 

GCSE results day is on Thursday 22 August. 

Results for Level 1, Level 1/2 and Level 2 VTQs will also be available on or before this date. 

Normally, pupils will be able to go to their school or college and collect their results in person where they can get advice from their teachers. 

Alternatively, schools will send results to pupils in the post or by email. 

When is A level, T Level and Level 3 VTQs results days 2024? 

AS level, A level and T Level results day is on Thursday 15 August. 

Results for VTQs at Level 3 taken alongside or instead of A levels, such as BTECs, will be released to pupils on or before Thursday 15 August. 

Results can be emailed or sent in the post, but it’s a good idea to go into school or college to receive your results so you can get support from teachers and career advisers to discuss your options, especially if your results might affect your plans for September. 

If you’re applying to university via UCAS, you can track your application online. 

How have exams been graded since the pandemic? 

Between 2019 and 2022, we saw a significant increase in the number of entries receiving top grades, due to disruption caused by the pandemic. 

Last year saw a return to pre-pandemic grading arrangements, and overall national results were similar to those of 2019. Ofqual have confirmed that they are continuing with normal grading this year. 

This is key to making sure exam qualifications are trusted – it means that universities and employers understand the performance of candidates, have confidence in their qualifications, and can use them to help them progress into the right opportunities.  

What should I do if I’m disappointed with my results? 

Your school or college and your teachers will support you if don’t get the results you hoped for or if your plans change based on the results you get. 

Remember, there are many different exciting options to take after school and college. 

If don’t get the GCSE results you were expecting, you can find out more about your options here. 

And if you’re worried about not getting the results you need for your university course, you can find out more about your options here. 

If you need help or advice around your exam results or next steps, you can call the National Careers Service helpline to chat to a careers adviser on 0800 100 900. 

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious about exams and you’re aged 18 or younger, you can also call Childline for free on 0800 1111 or chat online to get support. 

Ofqual has also created this practical guide for students on coping with exam pressure which offers advice and support on coping with exam anxiety and stress.

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