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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Education in the media: Friday 3 August 2018

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Today’s Education in the media blog focuses on today’s announcement about the new modern foreign language hubs in schools.

Modern Foreign Language hubs

Today, Friday 3 August, Minister Gibb has announced the introduction of modern foreign language hubs to boost the teaching of languages in schools.

There will be nine leading schools across the country acting as language hubs, to improve the teaching of Spanish, French and German as well as a centre of excellence, which will co-ordinate the work of all the hubs – this is backed by £4.8 million funding.

This morning, Minister Gibb was interviewed live on Good Morning Britain and LBC Radio to discuss this. The Minister also has an opinion piece in the I news.

This is just one of the many investments we are making to make sure that we have a world class education system for all students – whatever their background.

School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said:

It has never been more important for young people to learn a foreign language than now. An outward looking global nation needs a new generation of young people comfortable with the language and culture of our overseas trading partners.

This programme will give teachers the expertise and support they need to teach pupils key languages such as Spanish, French and German – languages that businesses say they want from their employees. The knowledge pupils will gain in this subject at GCSE and A level will help deliver the skilled workforce we need and build a Britain that is fit for the future.

Read more about today’s announcement here.

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