Education in the media: Friday 22 December 2017

Today’s education blog looks at our highlights from 2017.
Today’s education blog looks at our highlights from 2017.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at what is being done to make sure all pupils can access high quality secondary education, regardless of where they are from.
In today’s blog we look at the extension of the 30 hours free childcare scheme so that it includes foster carers.
Today’s news review looks at relationships and sex education and the gender pay gap.
In today’s blog we look at exclusions and teachers’ pay.
In today’s blog we will discuss a study from Durham University about primary schools, our national key stage 2 results and our announcement for celebrations of 100 years of votes for women.
Today’s news review looks at the launch of the Social Mobility Action Plan and Minister Johnson on vice chancellor pay.
Today’s Education in the Media blog looks at Ofsted’s annual report, and an Education Policy Institute report on global education rankings.
Today’s news review looks at claims of sexual harassment in schools.
Today’s Education in the Media looks at coverage of our announcement around accelerated degrees, and Amanda Spielman’s comments on school exclusions.