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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Education in the media: 11 July 2017

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Today’s news review looks at the Department’s response to the School Teachers' Review Body (STRB) on teacher pay. It also covers a BBC investigation into the rise in sexting among young people.

Teacher pay

Yesterday, 10 July, we published a report from the School Teachers' Review Body (STRB).

The STRB provides independent advice on teachers’ pay and conditions in England and Wales.

The report recommended that there should be a 1% increase for all pay ranges for teachers. It also said that teachers on the lower end of pay scale (often at the start of their career) should get an increase of up to 2%. You can read the full STRB report here.

We have accepted all of these recommendations, underlining our recognition of the hard work of all teachers.

This remains in line with the public sector pay gap policy, but will allow heads to offer higher salaries to their staff, alongside generous training bursaries. The full written response from the Secretary of State is available here.

There has been widespread print, online and some broadcast coverage of our response to the STRB report, including ITV News, TES and The Independent.

A Department for Education spokesperson said:

 We recognise and value the hard work of teachers which is why we have accepted the pay deal proposed by the independent School Teachers' Review Body, in line with the 1% public sector pay policy.  This will ensure we continue to strike the balance between being fair to public sector workers and fair to taxpayers.


This deal also allows headteachers to give some teachers up to a 2% pay uplift – alongside generous training bursaries and competitive starting salaries.

Sexting among young people

Today, 11 July, there were reports of a BBC investigation showing the rise in sexting among young people.  The most common age of those involved in sexting is 13 or 14.

The police confirmed that sexting issues are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, with a focus on safeguarding children.

Kerry Smith of Plan International UK, which works for children's rights, also said that education is key in helping young people understand at a young age what is appropriate and how to use technology.

This was covered by BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme, BBC Breakfast and the Victoria Derbyshire programme.

Earlier this year we announced plans to make Relationships Education mandatory in all primary schools, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) mandatory in all secondary schools.

Young people and parents have made it clear that they want more advice and support on issues such as sexting and internet safety. That is why we are ensuring that all secondary schools teach sex education in the future.

As we develop the regulations and guidance for schools we will be engaging fully with the sector on high-quality, age-appropriate content that relates to the modern world.

To read the full policy statement on our approach to relationships education, RSE and PSHE, please see here.

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