Education in the media: 29 July 2016
Today’s news review includes reports about term time holidays and Justine Greening’s first opinion piece as Education Secretary.
Today’s news review includes reports about term time holidays and Justine Greening’s first opinion piece as Education Secretary.
Today’s news review looks at two open letters that have been sent to the Education Secretary about the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc). happen in an academy. Anyone with evidence to show this is the case should submit it to the department. Teacher recruitment Today, 26 July, former shadow Education Secretary, Lucy... duty on school staff to take action in cases of child abuse or neglect. The Home Office launched the consultation yesterday, 21 July. The Guardian and Mirror both covered...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of two reports on the cost of childcare, and the appointment of the new Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman. Childcare Two reports have been...
Today’s news review looks at coverage of an IPPR report that explores teacher training.
Today’s news review responds to a new report on early years education.
Today’s news review looks at coverage about our Key Stage 2 plans and pupil projection figures.
Today’s news review responds to the Education Select Committee’s report on social work reform. Social work reform The Education Select Committee has today, 13 July, published a report claiming that...
Following the publication of Lord Sainsbury's report into technical education and the Government's response with the Post-16 Skills Plan, on Friday 8 July, a number of organisations have come foward with supportive comments on the next steps in technical education …